
I joined the EECS department at UC Berkeley as a postdoctoral researcher and part-time lecturer in 2021. Prior to that, I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2020 from the same department, and a B. Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), India, in 2014.

My main research focus at Berkeley has broadly been on experimental studies of the ultrafast dynamics of magnets and other materials in femtosecond (femto = 10-15 — a billionth of a millionth) picosecond (pico = 10-12 — a millionth of a millionth). Currently, I am working on supplementing my experimental work with theoretical modeling and simulations. During my PhD, I also worked as a CMOS device design intern at SanDisk in the summer of 2019.

Over my years at Berkeley, I have taught undergraduate level courses in Electrical Engineering as both a lecturer and a teaching assistant. I am passionate about teaching Electrical Engineering in a way that develops intuition and insight, is foundationally sound and is accessible to students from various backgrounds. I am committed to learning and developing effective and equitable pedagogical practices over the course of my teaching career.


2020 PhD, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley
2014 B. Tech, Electronics and Communications Engineering, NITK, Surathkal, India


12/2020 – Present: EECS Department, UC Berkeley
Postdoctoral Researcher, Part-time Lecturer (Sp 2021)

08/2014 – 08/2020: EECS Department, UC Berkeley
Graduate Student Researcher, Graduate Student Instructer (Sp 2016, Sp 2020)

05/2019 – 08/2019: SanDisk, A Western Digial Brand, Milpitas CA
CMOS Device Design Intern

01/2019 – 03/2019: Institut Jean Lamour, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
France-Berkeley Fund Visiting Researcher

07/2013 – 05/2014: Department of Physics, NITK, Surathkal, India
Undergraduate Researcher

05/2013 – 07/2013: I Physics Institute, University of Göttingen, Germany
DAAD-WISE Summer Research Fellow

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